How daily exercise can keep you mentally zen
Mental health is important at every stage of life. From childhood to adolescence and most important through the adulthood. It affects your personality, cognition, perception as well as the behaviour. The most important impact of Mental Health on is on our reactions to any situation. It greatly influences how we handle stress related to others and let go of the toxic elements in life. The increase in in individuals with disturbed mental health the biggest challenge for mankind in 21st century. Anything and everything is accessible to everyone on one click. Due to globalisation any corner in the world is connected digitally but in turn there is social withdrawal, changes in personality, extreme behaviours and anxiety problems. Due to gadgets and electronic media there is a change in lifestyle of people of all age groups and this has caused disturbance in sleep patterns and unhealthy eating habits.
This has lead to obesity and other chronic Lifestyle disorders like early-onset Diabetes mellitus. Such syndromes in young adults is not a sign of healthy population. A lot of young adults have low self esteem because of resulting functional limitations as well as due to body image issues. The only habit which can save the next generation from this vicious cycle is the habit of regular exercise and Lifestyle modifications. Here are the effects of physical activity on your mental health.
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